“I’ll just wait for you right here”

Norman hated doctor appointments, and these last four years offered a constant, never-ending stream of them.

Of course, I drove him to each and every appointment, took care of the paperwork, and did most of the talking and discussing with the doctor.

When I arrived to pick him up, he had often forgotten what was scheduled for the day.

“Hey dad, you ready to head to your doctor appointment?” I’d ask.

“Not another one,” he’d sigh. “Well, let’s get it over with.”

We’d make our way to the car, and drive the 20-45 minutes to the doctor office, usually chatting about other topics.

When we arrived at a doctor’s office and parked, he’d lean back a bit and often say: “I’ll just wait for you right here. Take your time.”


Most of the time, he had just legitimately forgotten that we were here for him, not me.

Other times, I think he just enjoyed the joke.


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